

  • Bee Aware Month
  • Author avatar
    Louisa Ma
  • Bee Aware MonthBeesinsecticidespesticidesSeptemberSupportVarroa Mite

Bee Aware Month

Bees are so important our livelihood, did you know they are estimated to pollinate about one third of our food production!  What an amazing effort from the little guys, and they are under threat from the varroa mite.

September is Bee Aware Month, so take the time to plant some bee friendly plants and find alternatives to using pesticides & insecticides.

Annabel Langbein, the award winning chef and author is an avid supporter of Bees and the amazing work they do.  Have a read of her article and how to further support the Bees. 


  • Author avatar
    Louisa Ma
  • Bee Aware MonthBeesinsecticidespesticidesSeptemberSupportVarroa Mite